segunda-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2024

Angola & Guerra Civil - Revista ‘VERDICT’ - August 1976 - (‘MY DAYS WITH CALLAN’, by the mercenary who escaped) - London 1976 - MUITO RARO;

Angola & Guerra Civil - Testemunhos sobre o recrutamento dos mercenarios europeus e norte-americanos, para combater ao lado das tropas da FNLA de Holden Roberto contra os marxistas cubanos enviados por Fidel Castro para auxílio do MPLA, a captura do chefe Callan e a denúncia dos seus métodos contestados pelos seus subordinados 

Revista ‘VERDICT’ - August 1976. 
‘MY DAYS WITH CALLAN’, by the mercenary who escaped. 
A retired mercenary in Brussels is the man who recruits the men for the special job. 
They form a team and off they go 
By Frank Branston 
London 1976 

Exemplar com 66 páginas, ilustrada e em muito bom estado de conservação. Excelente. 
De muito difícil localização. 

Temas em destaque: 
- ‘MY DAYS WITH CALLAN’, by the mercenary who escaped. 
For weeks the Callan trial in Luanda held the attention of the world’s Press and the fato of the mercenaries hung in the balance. But one man escaped the wrath of Angola and now, for the firts time, talks about his life with the notorious ‘Colonel Callan’ - Costa Georgiou - and his hatred of the cold-blooded killer. 
- ‘The planters had the power to order us to kill terrorists. He kept telling me to shoot, shoot, shoot… so I pulled the teigger and shot the planter. He was only wounded !’
- ‘I never told my wife where I was going. She never knew I had been in Chad and Somaliland. I just packed my bag and said I was going to London.’ 
- ‘They onça hung a man upside down in a cesspit for stealing a box of matches.’ 
- The fee for one job was £30.000 and for grounding a MIG the mercenaries were offered £176.000… but the contact failed to turn up because he couldn’t read english. 
- Now he’s just a soldier of fortune living on his old memories 

Preço:   0,00€; (Indisponível) 

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