terça-feira, 3 de junho de 2014

Angola - 'WAR IN ANGOLA - The final south African phase', de Helmoed-Romer Heitman (Gibraltar 1990) - Muito Raro

Angola - O envolvimento das Forças Armadas da África do Sul contra o governo de Luanda e em apoio da UNITA

'WAR IN ANGOLA - The final south African phase'
De Helmoed-Romer Heitman
Ashanti Publishing Limited
Gibraltar 1990

Livro com 368 páginas, muito ilustrado com fotografias (70 fotos) e mapas e em muito bom estado de conservação.
De muito difícil localização.
Muito raro.

O autor tem uma vasta bibliografia editada sobre as guerras na África Austral e colaborações em diversos jornais sobre a mesma temática.

Nesta obra, uma das mais procuradas sobre a temática do envolvimento das SADF na guerra em Angola, quer contra as forças do próprio regime de Luanda do MPLA e do corpo expedicionário cubano, quer enfrentando e eliminado as forças da SWAPO e o envolvimento assumido de apoio e defesa das FALA, o exército da UNITA, liderada por Jonas Savimbi.

O livro relata as principais incursões e batalhas desencadeadas pelas SADF em território angolano com auxílio a bons mapas, colocados de forma ao leitor acompanhar a evolução das forças militares no terreno.

Um livro imprescindível para conhecer de forma profunda este envolvimento sul africano.

"War in Angola" is an engrossing and detailed account of South African Defence Force (SADF) operations in southern Angola against Angolan (FAPLA) and Cuban forces in 1987-1988. Despite being drawn almost entirely from South African sources - and as a consequence, is somewhat uncritical of the South African strategic perspective - the discussion of these operations is informative and relatively objective at the operational and tactical level.

The discussion of tactical-level operations includes clear, detailed accounts of battalion group operations, together with first-person perspectives of small-unit actions and incisive comment on the activities and limitations of other arms and services, including the weaknesses inherent in quickly mobilising ad hoc units and task groups. I would single out the authors understanding and explanation of the SADF employment of artillery in particular as particularly insightful and far superior to the usual treatment of artillery in similar works. Heitman is also clear and objective when discussing the reasons why the SADF campaign failed to meet its operational objectives, including the shortcomings of South African military and political leadership at this level.

The reliance on South African sources was perhaps unavoidable at the time of writing, and accounts for the absence of a real FAPLA or Cuban perspective. Less forgivable is the very limited discussion of South Africa's UNITA allies, who disappear into the background (together with their SADF liaison/advisory teams) once SADF conventional units enter the campaign. The plentiful maps are very adequate."

Preço: 150,00€

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